Community Healthy & Wellness
Our Community is at the Heart of Everything we do!
Take advantage of the vast community health programs offered through Tamarac – From wellness programs to school health and a wide array of community partnerships, we can collaborate with you to improve our community’s overall health and quality of life.
Classes, Events & Wellness Programs
Get involved with these great classes that are offered at Tamarac and throughout Newaygo County. For more information about programs and services available call 231.924.3073.
Nutrition in pregnancy and early infancy: Baby 0-6 Months
- Learn about nutrition for breastfeeding/human milk feeding and infant feeding up to 6 months of age from a registered dietitian and lactation counselor. This class will cover key nutrients in pregnancy, women’s health, nutrition for breastfeeding/human milk feeding, feeding your baby, readiness to introduce solid foods, and preventing food allergies.
- This is a free, 60-minute class and registration is required.
- Click HERE to register or visit spectrumhealth.org/pregnancy-class.
Early childhood nutrition: 6-24 months
- Learn about infant and toddler nutrition needs, 6 – 24 months of age, from a registered dietitian and lactation counselor. This class will cover key nutrients in infancy and early childhood, preventing food allergies, bottle/breast/chest weaning, establishing positive mealtimes, division of responsibility, and sample meals/snacks.
- This is a free, 60-minute class and registration is required.
- Click HERE to register or visit spectrumhealth.org/pregnancy-class
Gerber Hospital’s Community Health Team partners with The Food Trust to offer this programming. The Food Trust is a national nonprofit organization working to ensure nutrition security for individuals, families, and communities. This program includes interactive, evidence-based curricula and resources for children, families, and adults; its customizable lessons and toolkits focus on shopping and cooking healthy meals on a limited budget. Call 231.924.3073 for more information.
Cooking Matters curricula includes:
- CM for Families
- CM for Parents
- CM for Teens
- CM for Kids
- CM for Adults
- CM for Childcare Professionals
Let us help you quit for good!
- Free classes in Fremont and Newaygo
- Free individual coaching to fit your needs
- Classes on-site and on-line
- Free on-line support group
- Free month pass to Tamarac
We will help you:
- Find the best nicotine replacement for you (patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler)
- Ask your primary care provider for prescriptions that can help you quit tobacco
Special programs for:
- Youth
- Pregnant moms
- Families who want to quit together
Our Tobacco Treatment Specialists have the tools to help you quit!
Shelly Klochack, MSN, BSN, RN, TTS
Caitlin Mitchell-Schucker, CHES, TTS
Free, 1 hour training on suicide prevention.
This training is for everyone. It does not set anyone up to be an expert on this subject, as we know there are mental health experts, but also know that these experts are not always available or always the people who someone might initially reach out to in a time of distress. Rather, the training is to help raise awareness on warning signs, risk factors, myths vs. facts, and better equip you on what conversion around this subject looks like, how to support, how to guide, and how to provide hope to someone who is hopeless.
Attendees are provided a booklet that includes everything covered during the training as well as a local resource guide for referral information.
To register or inquire about future community offerings please call (231) 924.3073.

LiveWell Newaygo County
LiveWell Newaygo County is a county-wide coalition hosted by Gerber Memorial’s community health team. The mission is to improve the health of the residents and environment in Newaygo County. Through a collective impact approach, the coalition works together under specific operating guidelines, in an effort to become the healthiest county in the state of Michigan.
Advanced Care Planning
As a capable adult, you have many rights when you receive health care. You have the right to be told about your medical choices and their benefits and risks. You also have the right to accept or refuse these choices. Whatever you decide, it is important to talk about your decisions with your physicians, other health professionals and those close to you. You may also put your plans for future medical care in writing, in case you become unable to make your own decisions.
Advance care planning is a process for you to:
- Understand possible future health choices
- Reflect on your choices in light of the values and goals important to you
- Discuss your choices with those close to you and the health care providers who care for you
- Make a plan for future health care situations
Start your advance directive today.
Call 231.924.3073
This process may only take a short period of time or it may take many months. What is most important is that you begin now and take the time you need to understand, reflect, discuss and create a plan that will work best for you and those closest to you.
To start or to get more information, call 231.924.3073, or email communityhealth@corewellhealth.org.
Coordinated Approach to Child Health
Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) is an in-school health initiative being implemented within the Newaygo County public school districts. CATCH efforts include:
- CATCH (health) lessons for all K-5th grade students
- Well-represented CATCH (wellness) Committees who meet regularly to focus efforts on enhancing the school environment to teach, reinforce and reward healthy behaviors and coordinate communication.
- Creating a healthy learning environment that makes the healthy choice the easy choice
- Tracking of updated wellness policies, new campus-wide healthy practices and the number of environmental supports put in place
- Collaboration between school staff, Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial & MSU Extension
For more information, visit: https://catchinfo.org/about/

Regional Support Groups at Tamarac
Information. Inspiration. Support. For survivors and patients, families, and caregivers. All support groups are free. No registration required. Walk-ins welcome. Virtual option available. For more information, call 231.924.3073
Diabetes Support Group
Patients, families, caregivers: Join us every month as we discuss various topics related to diabetes. The diabetes support group meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Parkinson’s Support Group
Patients, families and caregivers: Join every month as we discuss various topics regarding Parkinson’s disease. The Parkinson’s support group meets on the third Thursday of each month from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Stroke Support Group
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in America. Join us the first Thursday of each month from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. for a discussion led by topic experts on stroke recovery issues.
Alzheimer's - Dementia Support Group
Join us the fourth Thursday of every month from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. for free information, inspiration and support as we discuss various topics regarding Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and memory loss. Patients, families and caregivers are welcome.

Motivate Wellness Coaching
Motivate is a free health coaching program to help you identify your goals, strengths, and challenges. Working with a health coach, you will create a step-by-step plan to fit your individual needs and help you reach your health and wellness goals. The health coach will support and encourage you as you work to make positive behavior changes that impact your health.
Health Coaching may be right for you if:
- You are trying to manage a condition
- You need help setting realistic goals
- You need accountability and support
- You are serious about changing lifestyle habit(s)
- You need strategies to follow through with positive behavior changes
What you can expect working with a health coach:
- 12 virtual or telephonic 30 min. coaching sessions weekly or bi-weekly with a certified health coach
- Post session follow-up after six months
Our hope is that the health coaching experience leaves you feeling energized and confident to independently embark on new areas of health and wellness.
For more information contact 231.924.3073.

Weight Management
At Tamarac, we offer Weight Empowered (WE) a free weekly support group to help you on your way to a more fulfilled and healthy life.
Free, weekly support for weight management
- Mondays at 11:00am at Tamarac
- Mondays at 5:30pm at Tamarac (virtual option available also)
- Wednesdays at 3:30pm (virtual only)
For more information, call 231.924.3073.